Following the ninety day staff consultation process, the Board met to consider outcomes from both that consultation and the ones with union representatives, together with feedback from families and carers.  We have listened, and made changes.

However, we are subject to a legal challenge which may impact on changes we are seeking to implement now and in the future.  This legal challenge is out of our control, but we would be disappointed if we were stopped from implementing the changes that will offer our customers greater value for money – especially after adjusting our proposals to take account of feedback we have received.

Our decisions are set out below.

Senior management changes

The Board agreed to proceed with the deletion of the posts of Director of Operations at Your Choice and Deputy Manager atValley Way.  The current manager posts at Community Space, BILS and Supported Living will be deleted to create a single, more senior post.  The recruitment process for this post is in progress.

Middle management changes

The Board agreed to proceed with the introduction of service co-ordinator roles at Community Space, BILS and Supported Living, replacing the previous management posts.  The recruitment process for the eight service co-ordinators is in progress.

Removal of enhanced payments for all staff

The Board agreed to put this on hold until the consultation process (see below) is completed.

Co-location of Community Space and BILS

The Board agreed that, due to the condition of the Flightways building and the planned demolition, we still need to find an alternative venue – but that Community Space was not the right solution.  We will work with BILS service users and their families to identify a more suitable alternative location.

Supported Living changes

The Board acknowledged that we had underestimated the impact on service users of the proposals to remove waking nights posts and to split the role of support workers.  We therefore need to carry out consultation with families of supported living service users before this can be reconsidered.

The recruitment process will be postponed until the new structures are agreed.

Reduction of Valley Way waking nights staff

The Board agreed this was still the preferred proposal but that consultation needs to be undertaken with families of Valley Way service users before this could be implemented.


For the approved changes, we will seek to implement management staff changes from 1 July 2013, as previously planned.

For the remaining proposed changes, we will put in place arrangements to consult with service users and families on these changes starting immediately.

Voluntary redundancy agreements

Where individuals have agreed voluntary redundancy these will still be honoured, and for those services where further consideration is taking place temporary staff will be appointed to ensure service continuity.

There are no other changes planned at this time.

Engagement and consultation

The Board requested a more robust approach to engagement and consultation with parents, carers and service users, and an improvement in direct communications.


Finally, the Board thanked all employees, the unions, families and service users for their contribution during this period.

Tracey Lees, Chief Executive Your Choice Barnet, said: “My Board colleagues and I understand that the process of change is inevitably an anxious period for staff, service users, parents and carers.  However, the restructuring process is necessary to enable us to deliver high quality services and real choices to our customers at value for money prices.  I am pleased that we have listened to the feedback we received and we look forward to commencing consultation with service users and families on the areas that were causing most concern.”

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