The recent YCB consultation commenced on 30 January 2014 and closed on 17 March 2014. Throughout the consultation both staff and unions were engaged in the process. During this period YCB considered responses received from staff and provided feedback on their suggestions and questions. On 19 March the YCB Board considered the feedback received throughout the consultation process both from management and the unions.
The Board reached a decision and approved the final proposal below in relation to pay. The reason for this proposal is that YCB needs to make savings to offset a current deficit of £400k plus build in a small contingency against future cuts in funding.
To achieve this, the Board has approved the following:
- A reduction in current salaries of 9.5% for YCB Staff
- No other changes to terms and conditions
- Future salary increases will be determined based on benchmarking every two years and affordability. Increases would only be due if:
- The organisation can afford to increase salary costs. This will depend upon the financial position at that time
- There will be no spinal points or salary ranges and in their place will be spot salaries.
In order that YCB can go forward and make the financial savings required, the reductions in salaries need to take effect from 1 April 2014. To achieve this, detailed letters were sent to YCB staff on 20 March 2014, requesting that they consider the options set out in their personal letters and respond with their decision by Friday 28 March.
The Board would like to thank YCB staff, management and the unions for their contribution throughout this unsettling period.
Tracey Lees, Chief Executive, said: “We really appreciate that this has been a difficult period for our staff. However, our business is now in a financially viable position from which we can develop and grow our services to ensure the long term future of the organisation. The Board is encouraged by the professionalism and dedication of our staff during this process and would like to place their appreciation on record.”