There is cold weather forecast in Barnet for the next few days.

Keeping warm and well

Temperatures are not forecast to be sub-zero in Barnet, but Barnet Council provide some useful information about keeping warm and well in cold weather conditions.

Snowfall and your home

Please follow Barnet Council’s advice when dealing with snowfall in and around your home:

  • there’s no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the public footways outside your home or from public spaces
  • people walking on snow and ice have responsibility to be careful themselves.
  • if possible, start removing the snow and ice in the before it has frozen and become compacted by being walked on
  • pay extra attention to clear snow and ice from steep footpaths or steps – you might need to use more salt on these areas.
  • if you use water to melt the snow, it may refreeze and turn to black ice. Black ice increases the risk of injuries as it is invisible and very slippery. You can prevent black ice by spreading some salt on the area you have cleared. Be careful not to spread salt on plants or grass as it may cause them damage. If you don’t have enough salt, you can also use ordinary salt, sand or ash.
  • when you’re shovelling snow, take care where you put it so it doesn’t block people’s paths or drains. Make sure you make a path down the middle of the area to be cleared first, so you have a clear surface to walk on. Then shovel the snow from the centre of the path to the sides. Ensure that when clearing snow/ice you are not making another part of the path, or the road, more slippery
  • if your neighbour will have difficulty getting in and out of their home, you could offer to clear snow and ice around their property as well.

Please check that any elderly or disabled neighbours are alright in the cold weather. If you’re worried about them, please contact Barnet Council on 020 8359 2000

If you have an emergency and require assistance, please dial 999.

Remember – when walking in wintry conditions, please tread with care and wear appropriate footwear, particularly if gritting or clearing snow or ice.


For information about road gritting, please visit Barnet Council’s winter road maintenance page.