Your Choice Barnet are now recruiting for a number of positions acroiss our services.
Ansell Court Extra Care Service
- Three full time (equivilant) senior support workers
Dell Field Court Care Home
- Three full time (equivilant) care workers
- One kitchen assistant
- One domestic assistant.
Meadowside Care Home
- Seven full time (equivilant) care workers,
- Four domestic assistants
Apthorp Care Home
- Five full time (equivilant) care workers, 1 Receptionist
Supported Living Service
- Four assistant support workers (30 hours a week)
- One waking night worker
- One support worker
- Assistant support workers
Valley Way Respite Service
- One support worker
As & when care and support staff – £10.55 per hour
This role covers shifts where there is planned or unplanned staff absence. No shifts are guaranteed and as & when workers can refuse shifts if they wish. All as & when workers receive an induction and training and may be offered shifts in more than one service.