Nominating Jacqueline Doneo from September Court for Your Choice Barnet Take Ownership award
“Enthusiastically picking up the tasks that others have yet to notice, Jacqui leads by example, and what an example! She is the epitome of someone who works so hard, she makes it look easy. Her dedication to ensuring tasks are carried out on time and at a quality that excels is appreciated by the team along with her constant good nature. She guides her colleagues in good practice with humour and exemplary performance.
“She also organises the most fantastic holidays and parties for our customers. Thank you, Jacqui!”
Nominating Kamila Day from September Court for Your Choice Barnet Celebrate Diversity award
“Using a no-nonsense approach, Kamila battles bureaucracy, indifference and ignorance to ensure that the people she supports are able to achieve their outcomes. She has secured motability vehicles, organised busy timetables of varied activities and made accessible and beautiful homes for service users a reality.
“She stands up for vulnerable people with communication difficulties, ensuring their wishes are heard; she rolls up her sleeves and gets down to the day-to-day duties with thoroughness and dedication. Kamila believes that only the very best will do for her people, no matter their level of disability or support need!”